sunt pe development


Striped Table with Hover

Here is an example for this table

Id Name Salary Country City
1 Jason $33,120 Romania Bucharest
2 Mark $43,280 Brazil Ardia
3 Anthony $23,000 Chile Brisa
4 John $65,600 America Los Angeles
5 Michael $30,920 Netherlands Bantar
6 Laurent $40,750 Italy Roma

Table on Plain Background

Here is an example for this table

Id Name Salary Country City
1 Jason $33,120 Romania Bucharest
2 Mark $43,280 Brazil Ardia
3 Anthony $23,000 Chile Brisa
4 John $65,600 America Los Angeles
5 Michael $30,920 Netherlands Bantar
6 Laurent $40,750 Italy Roma
No newline at end of file